Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
Projecting China: An Introduction To Chinese Cinema |
CHIN277 |
Module |
"Does the Nation Matter?" The Basques' Will to Persist in the Global Culture |
HISP218 |
Module |
Advanced Basque 12, Year 3 |
BASQ312 |
Module |
Advanced Basque 7+8 |
BASQ078 |
Module |
Advanced Catalan 7+8 |
CATL278 |
Module |
Advanced Catalan 7+8 |
CATL078 |
Module |
Advanced Chinese 9, Year 3 |
CHIN309 |
Module |
Advanced French 7 |
FREN007 |
Module |
Advanced French 7 |
FRENZ907 |
Module |
Advanced French 7 |
FREN907 |
Module |
Advanced French 7+8 |
FREN278 |
Module |
Advanced French 7, Year 2 |
FREN207 |
Module |
Advanced French 8 |
FREN208 |
Module |
Advanced French 9 |
FREN309 |
Module |
Advanced German 7 |
GRMN207 |
Module |
Advanced German 7+8, Year 2 |
GRMN278 |
Module |
Advanced German 8 |
GRMN208 |
Module |
Advanced Italian 7 |
ITAL207 |
Module |
Advanced Italian 7+8 |
ITAL278 |
Module |
Advanced Italian 8 |
ITAL208 |
Module |
Advanced Italian 9 |
ITAL309 |
Module |
Advanced Portuguese 7+8 |
PORT278 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish 5+6 |
SPAN256 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish 7 |
SPANZ907 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish 7 |
SPAN907 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish 7 |
SPANX907 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish 7 |
SPAN007 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish 7 |
SPAN207 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish 7+8 |
SPAN278 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish 8 |
SPAN008 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish 8 |
SPAN208 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish 8 |
SPAN908 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish 8 |
SPANZ908 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish 9 |
SPAN309 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish Language and Culture |
SPANX900 |
Module |
Advanced Spanish Language and Culture |
SPANZ900 |
Module |
Advanced Translation Practice 2 |
CHIN504 |
Module |
All Year Placements Essay |
MODL219 |
Module |
An Introduction To French Linguistics |
FREN238 |
Module |
MODL111 |
Module |
Approaches to Film |
FILM102 |
Module |
Arabic Beginners 2 |
ARABZ902 |
Module |
Art and Violence: Visual Cultures and the Media in Modern France |
FREN220 |
Module |
HISP342 |
Module |
HISP343 |
Module |
Beginners Catalan 1+2 |
CATL112 |
Module |
Beginners Chinese 1+2 |
CHIN112 |
Module |
Beginners Chinese 2 |
CHIN102 |
Module |
Beginners Chinese 2 |
CHIN902 |
Module |
Beginners Chinese 2 |
CHIN002 |
Module |
Beginners French 1+2 |
FREN112 |
Module |
Beginners French 2 |
FREN002 |
Module |
Beginners French 2 |
FREN902 |
Module |
Beginners French 2 |
FREN102 |
Module |
Beginners German 1 |
GRMN901 |
Module |
Beginners German 2 |
GRMN902 |
Module |
Beginners German 2 |
GRMN102 |
Module |
Beginners Italian 1+2 |
ITAL112 |
Module |
Beginners Italian 2 |
ITAL102 |
Module |
Beginners Korean 1 |
KOREX901 |
Module |
Beginners Portuguese 1 |
PORT101 |
Module |
Beginners Portuguese 1+2 |
PORT322 |
Module |
Beginners Portuguese 1+2, Year 1 |
PORT112 |
Module |
Beginners Spanish 1+2 |
SPAN112 |
Module |
Beginners Spanish 2 |
SPAN002 |
Module |
Beginners Spanish 2 |
SPANX902 |
Module |
Beginners Spanish 2 |
SPAN102 |
Module |
Beginners Spanish2 |
SPAN902 |
Module |
Beginners' Basque 1+2 |
BASQ112 |
Module |
Beginners' Catalan 1+2 |
CATL322 |
Module |
Beginners' Chinese 1 |
CHINX901 |
Module |
Beginners' French 1 |
FRENX901 |
Module |
Beginners' French 2 |
FRENZ902 |
Module |
Beginners' German 1+2, Year 1 |
GRMN112 |
Module |
Beginners' Spanish 1 |
SPANZ901 |
Module |
Beginners' Spanish 1 |
SPANX901 |
Module |
Beginners' Spanish 2 |
SPANZ902 |
Module |
Beginners’ German 1 |
GRMN001 |
Module |
Beginners’ German 2 |
GRMN002 |
Module |
Between the Lines: Translating Modern and Contemporary China |
CHIN201 |
Module |
Brazilian Popular Culture |
HISP333 |
Module |
Cinema and Narratives of French Society |
FREN337 |
Module |
Comics and Graphic Novels: Memory and Transcultural Mobility |
MODL326 |
Module |
Contemporary Latin American Politics |
LATI307 |
Module |
Critical Approaches to Screen Studies |
FILM204 |
Module |
Decolonial Perspectives On Italy, Africa And The Mediterranean |
ITAL225 |
Module |
Dissertation |
MODL307 |
Module |
Elementary Basque 3+4 |
BASQ134 |
Module |
Elementary Basque 3+4, Year 3 |
BASQ324 |
Module |
Elementary Catalan 3+4, Year 1 |
CATL134 |
Module |
Elementary Catalan 3+4, Year 3 |
CATL324 |
Module |
Elementary Chinese 3 |
CHINX903 |
Module |
Elementary Chinese 3+4, Year 1 |
CHIN134 |
Module |
Elementary Chinese 4 |
CHIN904 |
Module |
Elementary Chinese 4 |
CHINZ904 |
Module |
Elementary Chinese 4 |
CHIN104 |
Module |
Elementary Chinese 4, Year 1 |
CHIN004 |
Module |
Elementary French 3 |
FRENX903 |
Module |
Elementary French 3+4, Year 1 |
FREN134 |
Module |
Elementary French 4 |
FRENZ904 |
Module |
Elementary French 4 |
FRENX904 |
Module |
Elementary French 4 |
FREN904 |
Module |
Elementary French 4 |
FREN004 |
Module |
Elementary German 3 |
GRMNX903 |
Module |
Elementary German 3+4, Year 1 |
GRMN134 |
Module |
Elementary German 4 |
GRMN004 |
Module |
Elementary German 4 |
GRMN904 |
Module |
Elementary German 4 |
GRMNZ904 |
Module |
Elementary Italian 3+4 |
ITAL134 |
Module |
Elementary Italian 4 |
ITAL004 |
Module |
Elementary Italian 4 |
ITALX904 |
Module |
Elementary Italian 4 |
ITAL904 |
Module |
Elementary Portuguese 3+4, Year 1 |
PORT134 |
Module |
Elementary Portuguese 3+4, Year 3 |
PORT324 |
Module |
Elementary Spanish 3 |
SPAN003 |
Module |
Elementary Spanish 3 |
SPAN903 |
Module |
Elementary Spanish 3 |
SPANZ903 |
Module |
Elementary Spanish 3+4, Year 1 |
SPAN134 |
Module |
Elementary Spanish 4 |
SPANZ904 |
Module |
Elementary Spanish 4 |
SPAN004 |
Module |
Elementary Spanish 4 |
SPANX904 |
Module |
Elementary Spanish 4 |
SPAN904 |
Module |
FREN234 |
Module |
European Cinema: Aspects of Realism |
MODL302 |
Module |
Extended Project In Modern Languages |
MODL250 |
Module |
Fairytales and Fear: The Fantastic in Literature |
GRMN316 |
Module |
Film Studies Work Placement |
FILM200 |
Module |
Francophone Cities: Spaces, Cultures, Identities |
FREN240 |
Module |
French Bilingual Translation |
FREN322 |
Module |
French Dressing: Six Centuries Of Clothing And Cultural History In France |
FREN335 |
Module |
FREN334 |
Module |
From Kung Fu To Anime: Trajectories In East Asian Cinema |
CHIN320 |
Module |
German Cinema from the Expressionism to the Present |
GRMN225 |
Module |
Global Film Cultures |
FILM502 |
Module |
Global Film History |
FILM108 |
Module |
Global Public Spaces: Resistance, Justice and Heritage |
MODL230 |
Module |
Globalisation and Development in Latin America |
LATI209 |
Module |
HISP320 |
Module |
Intermediate Basque 3+4 |
BASQ034 |
Module |
Intermediate Basque 5+6, Year 2 |
BASQ256 |
Module |
Intermediate Basque 7+8, Year 2 |
BASQ278 |
Module |
Intermediate Catalan 3+4 |
CATL034 |
Module |
Intermediate Catalan 5+6, Year 2 |
CATL256 |
Module |
Intermediate Chinese 3+4 |
CHIN034 |
Module |
Intermediate Chinese 5 |
CHINX905 |
Module |
Intermediate Chinese 5+6, Year 2 |
CHIN256 |
Module |
Intermediate Chinese 6 |
CHINZ906 |
Module |
FREN104 |
Module |
Intermediate French 5 |
FRENZ905 |
Module |
Intermediate French 5+6, Year 2 |
FREN256 |
Module |
Intermediate French 5, Year 1 |
FREN105 |
Module |
Intermediate French 6, Year 1 |
FREN106 |
Module |
Intermediate German 5+6, Year 2 |
GRMN256 |
Module |
Intermediate German 5, Year 1 |
GRMN105 |
Module |
Intermediate German 6, Year 1 |
GRMN106 |
Module |
Intermediate Italian 5 |
ITAL105 |
Module |
Intermediate Italian 5 |
ITALZ905 |
Module |
Intermediate Italian 5+6 |
ITAL256 |
Module |
Intermediate Italian 6 |
ITAL106 |
Module |
Intermediate Italian 6 |
ITALX906 |
Module |
Intermediate Italian 6 |
ITAL006 |
Module |
Intermediate Portuguese 5+6, Year 2 |
PORT256 |
Module |
Intermediate Spanish 5 |
SPANX905 |
Module |
Intermediate Spanish 5 |
SPANZ905 |
Module |
Intermediate Spanish 5, Year 1 |
SPAN105 |
Module |
Intermediate Spanish 6 |
SPANZ906 |
Module |
Intermediate Spanish 6 |
SPAN006 |
Module |
Intermediate Spanish 6 |
SPAN906 |
Module |
Intermediate Spanish 6 |
SPANX906 |
Module |
Intermediate Spanish 6, Year 1 |
SPAN106 |
Module |
Introduction to Chinese Studies I |
CHIN120 |
Module |
Introduction to Chinese Studies II |
CHIN121 |
Module |
Introduction to Critical Theory |
MODL503 |
Module |
Introduction to Film Language |
FILM101 |
Module |
Introduction to Film Research |
FILM106 |
Module |
Introduction To French Cinema |
FREN236 |
Module |
Introduction to French Studies II |
FREN116 |
Module |
Introduction to French-Language Cultural Studies |
FREN114 |
Module |
Introduction To German Studies I |
GRMN127 |
Module |
Introduction To German Studies II |
GRMN128 |
Module |
Introduction To Iberian And Latin American Studies I |
HISP120 |
Module |
Introduction to Iberian and Latin American Studies II |
HISP121 |
Module |
Introduction To Italian Studies I |
ITAL120 |
Module |
Introduction to Italian Studies II |
ITAL121 |
Module |
Introduction to the Francosphere: Language, Culture, Empire, Francophonie |
FREN125 |
Module |
HISP303 |
Module |
Italian Cinema |
ITAL223 |
Module |
MODL203 |
Module |
Japanese Beginners 1 |
JAPNX901 |
Module |
Japanese Beginners 2 |
JAPNX902 |
Module |
Japanese Beginners 2 |
JAPNZ902 |
Module |
Japanese Elementary 3 |
JAPNX903 |
Module |
Japanese Elementary 3 |
JAPNZ903 |
Module |
Japanese Elementary 4 |
JAPNX904 |
Module |
Japanese Elementary 4 |
JAPNZ904 |
Module |
Japanese Intermediate 5 |
JAPNZ905 |
Module |
Japanese Intermediate 5 |
JAPNX905 |
Module |
Language And Society |
GRMN313 |
Module |
Language Awareness |
MODL105 |
Module |
Language Teaching: Theory and Practice |
MODL200 |
Module |
Latin America In Its Literature |
LATI203 |
Module |
HISP326 |
Module |
Liaison Interpreting and Consecutive Interpreting |
CHIN513 |
Module |
Liaison Interpreting and Consecutive Interpreting |
MODL523 |
Module |
Liaison Interpreting and Consecutive Interpreting |
MODL533 |
Module |
Literary Translation and Global Market |
MODL508 |
Module |
Living the Global Eighteenth Century |
HLAC200 |
Module |
MA Film Studies Work Placement |
FILM509 |
Module |
Manger! Food and French Culture |
FREN230 |
Module |
Multilingual Liverpool: Reading the City |
MODL234 |
Module |
New social movements in Latin America |
LATI205 |
Module |
New Trends in Italian Cinema |
ITAL321 |
Module |
Placements Essay S1 |
MODL217 |
Module |
Portuguese Stage 1 |
PORTX001 |
Module |
Portuguese Stage 2 |
PORTZ002 |
Module |
Post-Advanced Chinese 10 |
CHIN310 |
Module |
Post-Intermediate Chinese 7+8 |
CHIN278 |
Module |
Practical Translation |
MODL522 |
Module |
Practical Translation |
CHIN512 |
Module |
Practical Translation |
MODL532 |
Module |
Proficient Basque 12 |
BASQ013 |
Module |
Proficient Catalan 11 |
CATL311 |
Module |
Proficient Catalan 12 |
CATL013 |
Module |
Proficient Catalan 12 |
CATL312 |
Module |
Proficient Chinese 11 |
CHIN311 |
Module |
Proficient Chinese 12 |
CHIN013 |
Module |
Proficient Chinese 12 |
CHIN312 |
Module |
Proficient French 10 |
FREN310 |
Module |
Proficient French 11 |
FREN311 |
Module |
Proficient French 12 |
FREN312 |
Module |
Proficient German 11 |
GRMN311 |
Module |
Proficient German 12 |
GRMN312 |
Module |
Proficient Italian 10 |
ITAL310 |
Module |
Proficient Italian 11 |
ITAL311 |
Module |
Proficient Italian 12 |
ITAL312 |
Module |
Proficient Portuguese 11, Year 3 |
PORT311 |
Module |
Proficient Portuguese 12, Year 3 |
PORT312 |
Module |
Proficient Spanish 10 |
SPAN310 |
Module |
Proficient Spanish 11 |
SPAN311 |
Module |
Proficient Spanish 12 |
SPAN312 |
Module |
Propaganda and Censorship |
FILM202 |
Module |
HISP330 |
Module |
Remembering Slavery |
MODL332 |
Module |
Representing Slavery |
MODL515 |
Module |
Research Project 1 |
MODL321 |
Module |
Research Project 2 |
MODL322 |
Module |
Researching Digital Cultures In The Americas |
HISP348 |
Module |
FREN343 |
Module |
Resistance And Renewal: Spanish Poetry From The Folk Songs Of The Frontier To The Slam Sessions Of M |
HISP327 |
Module |
Screen Cultures |
FILM104 |
Module |
Screen Cultures |
FILM105 |
Module |
Screening Spain: Contemporary Spanish Film and Television |
HISP344 |
Module |
Screening Texts |
MODL328 |
Module |
Spain Is Not Spain: Nationalisms & Identities In Spanish Literature |
HISP216 |
Module |
Spanish and Latin American Cinemas: An Introduction |
HISP229 |
Module |
Specialised Translation |
MODL534 |
Module |
Specialised Translation |
MODL524 |
Module |
Specialised Translation |
CHIN514 |
Module |
Terror Remembered: Representing Traumatic Histories in Latin America, Europe and China |
MODL304 |
Module |
Texts and Context in German |
GRMN125 |
Module |
The Cinematic City |
FILM201 |
Module |
The German Cinema Since 1990 |
GRMN330 |
Module |
The German Democratic Republic: Politics, Culture, Memory |
GRMN220 |
Module |
FILM203 |
Module |
The Sociolinguistics of Contemporary Italy |
ITAL320 |
Module |
The Sociolinguistics Of Contemporary Spain |
HISP329 |
Module |
The Sociolinguistics of Modern French |
FREN333 |
Module |
Theories And Approaches In Translation Studies |
MODL511 |
Module |
Translation Project |
MODL312 |
Module |
Translation Theory and Practice |
MODL311 |
Module |
Weimar Film and Literature: The City and Modernity |
GRMN218 |
Module |
Women in Iberian and Latin American Literature and Culture |
HISP219 |
Module |
Women in Iberian and Latin American Literature and Culture |
HISP112 |
Module |
World Cinemas |
FILM501 |
Module |
World Cinemas In The 21st Century |
FILM301 |
Module |
FREN239 |
Module |
Year Abroad in China Semester 1 |
MODL225 |
Module |
Year Abroad in China Semester 2 |
MODL226 |
Module |
Year Abroad Portfolio (Full Year) |
MODL224 |
Module |
Year Abroad Portfolio (Semester 1) |
MODL220 |
Module |
Year Abroad Portfolio (Semester 2) |
MODL221 |
Module |
Year Abroad Semester 1 (Study) |
MODL215 |
Module |
Year Abroad Semester 2 (Study) |
MODL216 |
Module |