Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Additive Manufacturing MNFG308 Module
Additive Manufacturing MNFG603 Module
Additive Manufacturing MNFG303 Module
Additive Manufacturing MNFG610 Module
Advanced 4th Year Research Project ENGG443 Module
Advanced Aerodynamics AERO416 Module
Advanced Electron Microscopy of Materials, Structures and Processes MATS403 Module
Advanced Engineering Materials MATS331 Module
Advanced Engineering Materials MATS301 Module
Advanced Engineering Materials MATS631 Module
Advanced Fluid Mechanics ENGG419 Module
Advanced Manufacturing with Lasers MECH607 Module
Advanced Materials Design MATS602 Module
Aerodynamics AERO316 Module
Aeroelasticity AERO415 Module
Aeroengines AERO213 Module
Aerospace Capstone Group Design Project AERO420 Module
Aerospace Engineering Design 2 AERO220 Module
Aerospace Engineering Design 3 AERO321 Module
Aerostructures AERO318 Module
Aircraft Performance AERO212 Module
Applied Technical Quality MNGT605 Module
Bioengineering ENGG305 Module
Biomedical Engineering MECH305 Module
Cardiovascular Bioengineering ENGG411 Module
Cardiovascular Bioengineering ENGG311 Module
Cardiovascular Physiology And Mechanics ENGG415 Module
Computational Fluid Dynamics ENGG319 Module
Computational Methods In Engineering ENGG386 Module
Computer Aided Design MNFG604 Module
Design for Environment, Manufacture and Assembly MNFG413 Module
Digital Engineering ENGG125 Module
Dynamic Systems MECH215 Module
Electromechanical Systems ENGG121 Module
Energy and the Environment MECH433 Module
Energy Science ENGG116 Module
Engineering Design MECH212 Module
Engineering Fluid Mechanics MECH627 Module
Engineering Fluid Mechanics MECH326 Module
Engineering Materials Processing & Selection MATS201 Module
Engineering Mathematics ENGG198 Module
Engineering Mathematics and Computing ENGG295 Module
Engineering Year Abroad 1 ENGG297 Module
Engineering Year Abroad 2 ENGG298 Module
Experimental Methods ENGG201 Module
Finite Element Analysis MECH452 Module
Flight Dynamics and Control AERO317 Module
Flight Handling Qualities AERO405 Module
Flight Handling Qualities (15cr) AERO401 Module
Fluid Mechanics ENGG113 Module
Formulation Engineering ENGG413 Module
Further Aerostructural Analysis AERO417 Module
Group Engineering Design MECH401 Module
Heat Transfer MECH301 Module
Human Factors In Product Design ENGG227 Module
Individual Project ENGG341 Module
Industrial Robotics and Automated Assembly MNFG409 Module
Industrial Robotics and Automated Assembly MNFG309 Module
Influencing Technical Decision-Makers MNGT602 Module
Integrated Systems Design MNFG615 Module
Introduction to Aerospace Engineering AERO110 Module
Introduction to Engineering Materials MATS105 Module
Introduction to Finite Elements ENGG302 Module
Introduction to Nuclear Sciences and Engineering ENGG425 Module
Introduction to Structural Materials ENGG108 Module
Laser Materials Processing MECH605 Module
Lasers in Engineering ENGG312 Module
Management of Design MNGT313 Module
Management of Design MNGT413 Module
Manufacturing Systems MNFG321 Module
Manufacturing Systems MNFG401 Module
Materials Design MATS303 Module
Materials Processing and Selection MATS520 Module
Materials Processing and Selection I MATS214 Module
Materials Processing and Selection II MATS210 Module
Mechanical Engineering Capstone 1 MECH327 Module
Mechanical Engineering Capstone 2 MECH431 Module
Mechanical Product Dissection MECH109 Module
Mechatronics MECH415 Module
Mechatronics MECH316 Module
MSc Project ENGG660 Module
Musculoskeletal Biomechanics ENGG410 Module
NGN Research Skills 1 ENGG423 Module
NGN Research Skills 2 ENGG424 Module
NGN Winter School and Skills Training ENGG422 Module
Nuclear Technologies MECH434 Module
Pilot Studies 1 AERO131 Module
Pilot Studies 2 AERO231 Module
Pilot Studies 3 AERO232 Module
Product Modelling and Virtual Reality MNFG608 Module
Professional Engineering: a Skills Toolkit ENGG111 Module
Project Management MNGT202 Module
Project Management MNGT502 Module
Research Internship ENGG290 Module
Rotorcraft Flight AERO314 Module
School of Engineering Year in Industry ENGG299 Module
Scientific Impact and Reputation MNGT604 Module
Smart Materials MATS515 Module
Smart Materials MATS315 Module
Solid Mechanics: Structural Failure Modes MECH307 Module
Solids & Structures 2 ENGG209 Module
Solids and Structures 1 ENGG110 Module
Space Mission Design AERO419 Module
Spaceflight AERO319 Module
Structural Biomaterials MATS410 Module
Structural Dynamics ENGG301 Module
Structural Integrity ENGG409 Module
Structural Optimisation ENGG414 Module
Technical Writing for Engineers ENGG595 Module
Technical Writing for Engineers ENGG596 Module
Thermodynamics MECH217 Module
Thermodynamics I ENGG112 Module
Tissue Engineering ENGG412 Module
Vibration and Control MECH303 Module
Virtual Reality MNFG421 Module

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