16/01/2025 21:15:16 | BDS / BSc School of Dentistry CLC1 | List published | 1 item added |
16/01/2025 18:31:27 | ITAL278: Advanced Italian 7+8 | List published | 1 item added |
16/01/2025 17:33:11 | COMM758/COMM759: Media practices and everyday life A/B | List published | 42 items added, 6 items removed |
16/01/2025 17:32:19 | ENGL386: The Novel 1740-1830 | List published | 8 items added, 13 items removed, 1 section added |
16/01/2025 17:05:31 | POLI225: International organisations | List published | 1 item added |
16/01/2025 17:03:00 | POLI104: Foundations in international relations | List published | 3 items added |
16/01/2025 13:50:02 | ENGL373: Children's literature | List published | 1 item added |
16/01/2025 12:02:42 | ULMS302: Business simulation | List published | 1 item added |
16/01/2025 11:28:25 | HIST565: Management skills | List published | 11 items added, 1 item removed |
16/01/2025 11:10:21 | ULMS302: Business simulation | List published | 7 items added, 1 section added |
16/01/2025 10:41:57 | ULMS877: International perspective of management | List published | 11 items added, 2 sections added |
16/01/2025 10:07:16 | ENGL375: Medieval boundaries: text, image | List published | 1 item added |
15/01/2025 22:55:09 | COMP108: Data structures and algorithms | List published | 1 item added |
15/01/2025 22:10:18 | ENGL400: Language and gender | List published | 1 item removed |
15/01/2025 22:06:29 | ENGL400: Language and gender | List published | 3 items added |
15/01/2025 16:20:46 | ENGL105: Introduction to stylistics | List published | 1 item added, 3 items removed, 2 sections added, 2 sections removed |
15/01/2025 15:55:26 | COMM111/COMM112: Communication, culture and media analysis | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
15/01/2025 15:51:50 | ENGG125: Digital engineering | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
15/01/2025 15:50:24 | ENGG125: Digital engineering | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
15/01/2025 15:33:00 | MNFG409: Industrial robotics and automated assembly | List published | 2 items added |
15/01/2025 15:31:49 | BLIM503: Derivatives and alternative investments | List published | 2 items added, 4 items removed, 1 section removed |
15/01/2025 14:37:07 | COMM111/COMM112: Communication, culture and media analysis | List published | 8 items added, 15 items removed |
15/01/2025 12:24:13 | LIFE713: Advanced topics in cell signalling | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
15/01/2025 12:23:34 | LIFE304: Biochemical messengers and signal transduction | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
15/01/2025 12:22:48 | LIFE202: Cell signalling in health and disease | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
15/01/2025 11:58:25 | ENGG125: Digital engineering | List published | 1 item added |
15/01/2025 10:36:39 | MKIB255: Services marketing | List published | 2 items added |
15/01/2025 04:07:49 | POLI247: Introduction to peace and conflict studies | List published | 2 items added |
15/01/2025 02:20:32 | POLI247: Introduction to peace and conflict studies | List published | 2 items added |
14/01/2025 16:40:04 | ENGL666: Classroom observation | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/01/2025 16:09:51 | LIFE752: Computational biology | List published | 1 item removed |
14/01/2025 16:09:17 | LIFE752: Computational biology | List published | 21 items added, 53 items removed, 3 sections added, 21 sections removed |
14/01/2025 16:00:10 | ENGL104: Theorising theatre and performance | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/01/2025 15:50:31 | ENGL793: The social voice | List published | 2 items added, 1 section added |
14/01/2025 15:40:52 | BLIM503: Derivatives and alternative investments | List published | 1 item added |
14/01/2025 14:18:11 | ACFI828: Digital banking and global payment systems | List published | 2 items added, 3 sections added |
14/01/2025 13:15:15 | HISP121: Introduction to Iberian and Latin American studies 2 | List published | 44 items removed, 2 sections removed |
14/01/2025 11:55:31 | ENGL119: Reading drama | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/01/2025 11:11:01 | LIFE748: Practical bioinformatics | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/01/2025 11:05:07 | LIFE748: Practical bioinformatics | List published | 10 items added, 1 section added |
14/01/2025 10:40:06 | ENGL119: Reading drama | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/01/2025 10:08:45 | ENGL119: Reading drama | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/01/2025 09:39:49 | ENGL119: Reading drama | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
13/01/2025 19:03:47 | CLAH311: Roman Slavery | List published | 44 items added, 9 sections added |
13/01/2025 18:07:09 | LAW508: Transitional justice | List published | 1 item added, 18 items removed, 2 sections added, 5 sections removed |
13/01/2025 16:44:35 | POLI104: Foundations in international relations | List published | 6 items removed, 1 section removed |
13/01/2025 16:38:05 | ENGL375: Medieval boundaries: text, image | List published | 1 item added |
13/01/2025 16:37:09 | ULMSJ803: Services marketing | List published | 34 items added, 10 sections added |
13/01/2025 15:01:26 | SOCI244: Criminological perspectives | List published | 1 item added |
13/01/2025 14:19:32 | MKIB270: Marketing ethics, sustainability and CSR | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
13/01/2025 14:18:42 | MKIB270: Marketing ethics, sustainability and CSR | List published | 2 items added |
13/01/2025 14:16:35 | PSYK319: Global talent management (KOL) | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
13/01/2025 13:56:34 | ENGL218: Romantic literature | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
13/01/2025 13:52:58 | ITAL208: Advanced Italian 8 | List published | 1 item added |
13/01/2025 12:39:42 | CANC6012/CANC7012: Fundamentals in systemic anti-cancer therapies (SACT) administration and care | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
13/01/2025 12:10:12 | PSYC133: Biological psychology | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
13/01/2025 12:01:46 | PHIL237: Ancient Greek philosophy: the examined life | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
13/01/2025 11:22:39 | MKIB219: Business ethics, responsible business and sustainability | List published | 1 item added |
13/01/2025 10:23:06 | MUSI170: Introduction to sound and music in audiovisual media | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
13/01/2025 08:59:53 | GOHI008: Go higher stage 3 history: Victorian values: society, sex and change in Britain 1850-1914 | List published | 1 item added |
13/01/2025 03:14:40 | POLI247: Introduction to peace and conflict studies | List published | 1 item added |
11/01/2025 23:03:23 | COMM256: Mediating the past | List published | 1 item added |
11/01/2025 17:21:06 | ENGL218: Romantic literature | List published | 1 item removed |
11/01/2025 12:58:33 | ENGL397: Games playing roles | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
11/01/2025 11:02:28 | COMM758/COMM759: Media practices and everyday life A/B | List published | 15 items added |
11/01/2025 06:00:36 | COMM766/COMM718: Artificial intelligence and communication | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
11/01/2025 05:18:06 | COMM766/COMM718: Artificial intelligence and communication | List published | 4 items added, 2 sections added |
11/01/2025 01:02:31 | COMM326: Screen industries and sports | List published | 19 items added, 5 sections added |
11/01/2025 00:43:53 | COMM326: Screen industries and sports | List published | 15 items added, 3 sections added |
11/01/2025 00:07:26 | COMM326: Screen industries and sports | List published | 7 items added, 1 section added |
11/01/2025 00:02:29 | COMM766/COMM718: Artificial intelligence and communication | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
10/01/2025 23:59:17 | COMM766/COMM718: Artificial intelligence and communication | List published | 3 items added, 1 section added |
10/01/2025 23:50:39 | COMM326: Screen industries and sports | List published | 1 item added, 1 section added |
10/01/2025 23:49:33 | COMM766/COMM718: Artificial intelligence and communication | List published | 2 items added |
10/01/2025 18:37:30 | MUSI170: Introduction to sound and music in audiovisual media | List published | 9 items added, 7 items removed, 5 sections added, 2 sections removed |
10/01/2025 17:46:17 | POLI321: International intervention | List published | 2 items removed |
10/01/2025 17:26:47 | PSYC347: Psychoactive substances | List published | 2 sections removed |
10/01/2025 17:01:54 | ENGL272: Restoration and eighteenth-century literature, 1660-1789 | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
10/01/2025 16:47:59 | MKIB363: Marketing strategy | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
10/01/2025 16:14:08 | ENGL375: Medieval boundaries: text, image | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
10/01/2025 16:05:33 | NURS137: Behavioural sciences | List published | 1 item added |
10/01/2025 16:03:19 | MKIB363: Marketing strategy | List published | 1 item added |
10/01/2025 16:00:30 | NURS137: Behavioural sciences | List published | 1 item added |
10/01/2025 15:47:16 | MKIB219: Business ethics, responsible business and sustainability | List published | 12 items added, 1 item removed, 3 sections added |
10/01/2025 15:12:21 | HIST114: The global history of the present | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
10/01/2025 15:09:16 | HIST521: Approaches to the global eighteenth century | List published | 1 item added |
10/01/2025 15:08:00 | MODL311: Translation theory and practice | List published | 1 item added |
10/01/2025 15:04:23 | HIST117: Understanding modern Europe | List published | 160 items added, 28 sections added |
10/01/2025 14:48:39 | POLI107: Comparative politics | List published | 40 items added, 4 sections added |
10/01/2025 14:26:47 | POLI815: Conflict and politics in Northern Ireland | List published | 2 items added |
10/01/2025 13:29:12 | ULMS872: Business to consumer (B2C) and business to business (B2B) relationship marketing | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
10/01/2025 13:12:36 | ENGL487: Writing for radio: broadcasting in twentieth-century Britain and Ireland | List published | 1 item added |
10/01/2025 13:10:03 | ENGL487: Writing for radio: broadcasting in twentieth-century Britain and Ireland | List published | 6 items added |
10/01/2025 12:51:04 | HIST264: Testing times: French history from the commune to Charlie Hebdo (1871-2015) | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
10/01/2025 12:49:30 | ENGL487: Writing for radio: broadcasting in twentieth-century Britain and Ireland | List published | 4 items added, 16 items removed, 5 sections added, 3 sections removed |
10/01/2025 11:20:21 | HIST264: Testing times: France in the twentieth century | List published | 65 items added, 16 sections added |
10/01/2025 09:40:46 | MUSI170: Introduction to sound and music in audiovisual media | List published | 23 items added, 101 items removed, 18 sections added, 1 section removed |
10/01/2025 08:45:58 | COMM766/COMM718: Artificial intelligence and communication | List published | 1 item added |
10/01/2025 08:42:24 | COMM766/COMM718: Artificial intelligence and communication | List published | 2 items added |
09/01/2025 22:39:34 | GOHI009: Go higher stage 3: thinking sociologically | List published | 3 items added |