Browse Hierarchy FAC01: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Browse Faculty
Name Sort by name | Code Sort by code | Type Sort by type |
Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology | SCH001 | Department |
Architecture | SCH002 | Department |
Communication and Media | SCH005 | Department |
English | SCH010 | Department |
English Language Centre | SCH038 | Department |
Finance and Accounting | SCH040 | Department |
Go Higher | SCH039 | Department |
History | SCH012 | Department |
Institute of Irish Studies | SCH013 | Department |
Languages, Cultures and Film | SCH007 | Department |
Law | SCH014 | Department |
Music | SCH017 | Department |
Philosophy | SCH018 | Department |
Politics | SCH020 | Department |
School of Management | SCH015 | School |
School of the Arts | SCH031 | School |
Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology | SCH032 | School |
Lists linked to Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
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